We are seeking highly motivated, enthusiastic technicians, students and postdocs to join our team. Funded graduate student and postdoctoral positions are available.

Check us out on Twitter @TakesianLab
We are happy to share that our #BostonMarathon runners have already raised over $10,000 for hearing research… https://t.co/vgSuJhfJI9
RT @kishoreneuro: Very happy to have this officially out! What started as a side project, became our first manuscript thanks to… https://t.co/2fXsI2kTsG
Congrats to @MaryseThomas for presenting the lab's 1st poster @CosyneMeeting! She discussed exciting new findings o… https://t.co/lSkVwpAtq5
RT @N_A_Schneider: COSYNE is officially underway! Lots of exciting science ahead. If you're attending the event, I'll be giving a tal… https://t.co/X2Hi1yiJud