


April 2023

We are excited to share that two of our lab members will be running the 127th Boston Marathon in April 2023! Cathryn MacGregor and Dr. Maryse Thomas have joined up with Team Eye & Ear to raise money for hearing research. Wish them luck and please check out Cathryn’s and Maryse’s fundraising pages.

March 2023

Congratulations to Maryse Thomas,PhD for presenting the lab’s first poster at COSYNE! She discussed some exciting new findings on the function of superficial cortical interneurons in auditory perception. Thanks to the COSYNE community for the useful feedback!.

January 2023

Dr. Zahra Ghasemahmad joined the Takesian Lab as a postdoctoral research fellow from the Yang lab at University of California at Riverside. Here, she will be investigating the neural mechanism underlying sensory-driven behaviors by studying large populations of neurons in auditory cortical and motor regions. Welcome Zahra!


November 2022

Great to be back in person at APAN and SfN 2022! Congrats to Dr. Carolyn Sweeney for another successful poster presentation!

October 2022

Congrats to our two fantastic SHBT 2nd year rotation students, Anna Stewart & Latané Bullock, for their amazing presentations at the first ever SHBT retreat! You both did such great work during your rotations - we missed you already. Good luck on your next rotations!

October 2022

We said a bittersweet goodbye to our wonderful research technician Kasey Smith. During her two years here, Kasey had transformed the lab into an efficient, vibrant, and collaborative environment. Thanks Kasey for all your hard work, and we can’t wait to see what your bright future holds!

September 2022

Huge congratulations to our incredible research technician, Cathryn MacGregor, for winning the “Overall Crowd Favorite” poster award at the Synaptogenesis RA Symposium at Harvard Medical School!

September 2022

Drs. Maryse Thomas and Anne Takesian attended the 7th International Conference on Auditory Cortex (ICAC) in Magdeburg, Germany! Anne was invited to give a talk and Maryse brought home a well-deserved poster award!

June 2022

Congratulations to Wisam Reid for receiving the 2022-2023 Amelia Peabody Scholarship!

June 2022

Dr. Maryse Thomas was selected to be one of the few trainees to speak at the Sculpted Light conference in Boston. She absolutely nailed it!

February 2022

Anna Stewart, first year SHBT student, joined the lab for her rotation. She successfully patched her first cell during the SHBT first year ephys lab!

February 2022

Three lab members presented at ARO 2022 — Dr. Maryse Thomas, Christine Junhui Liu, and Nick Schubert. Maryse was selected to present in the Poster Blitz session, and Christine and Nick both received ARO Travel Awards!



November, 2021

We are at APAN 2021 with three posters from Dr. Maryse Thomas, Dr. Lucas Vattino, and Christine Junhui Liu.

September, 2021

Congrats to rotation student Rahul Brito, who gave a fantastic presentation at the Harvard SHBT End of Summer Talks! Good luck on your next rotation and start of second year!


February 2021

Drs. Carolyn Sweeney and Maryse Thomas presented on the in vivo response properties of NDNF+ and VIP+ neurons in superficial auditory cortex at the 2021 ARO MidWinter Meeting virtually!



November 2020

Congratulations to our undergraduate student Esther Yu, who joined the Takesian Lab in June 2020, for being selected to present at Harvard College’s Fall Undergraduate Research Spotlight! She presented her research on Thursday, November 5, 2020.

October 2020

Drs. Maryse Thomas, Carolyn Sweeney, and Lucas Vattino all successfully presented their posters at the Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) virtually this year!

September 2020

We welcomed two fantastic research technicians to our team — Cathryn MacGregor (left) and Kasey Smith (right). Cathryn received her B.A. in Neuroscience from Wheaton College in Massachusetts. Kasey received her B.S. in Biological Sciences and M.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Connecticut.

June-July 2020

Christine Junhui Liu was awarded the 2020-2021 Amelia Peabody Scholarship through Harvard SHBT program, as well as the Science and Innovation Fellowship at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.

May 2020

Congratulations to Jacob McLennan for graduating from Harvard College and for earning the prestigious Garners Dowling Thesis Prize for his successful senior thesis! And congratulations to Dr. Carolyn Sweeney who mentored Jacob throughout his time in the Takesian Lab! Best of luck in your future endeavors; we will miss you.

March 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Takesian Lab has gone digital! Even though we cannot see each other in person, we’ve been working hard to stay connected and pursue our research questions.

January 2020

Lucas Vattino, Ph.D., Christine Junhui Liu, and Ben Glickman gave great poster presentations at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology meeting in San Jose!



December 2019

Nick Schubert, a M.D./Ph.D. student in Sonja Pyott’s lab at the University Medical Center Groningen, joined the lab for a six-month research collaboration!

November 2019

Dr. Takesian received the Research Project Grant (RO1)! Her study titled “Differential Control of Auditory Cortex by Two Populations of Layer 1 Interneurons“ is funded by the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).

October 2019

Carolyn Sweeney, Ph.D., Angela Zhu, and Vivek Kanumuri, M.D. gave fantastic poster presentations at the Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) and Society of Neuroscience (SfN) meetings in Chicago! Pictured, Carolyn was also among the five receipts for the prestigious APAN travel award!

May - September 2019

Takesian Lab welcomed four new members:

[Top left] Maryse Thomas,Ph.D. joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow in September. She received a prestigious award for postdoctoral funding from Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT).

[Top right] Lucas Vattino, Ph.D. joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow in May. He was named one of the ten 2019 Pew Latin American fellows, a prestigious fellowship supports exceptional Latin American fellows to conduct research in biomedical sciences in the United States and to expand scientific expertise in their home countries.

[Bottom left and right] Christine Junhui Liu & Wisam Reid, both second year SHBT Ph.D. students, officially joined the lab for their dissertation research in September.

May 2019

Carolyn Sweeney, Ph.D. received an individual postdoctoral fellowship award (F32) funding from the NIDCD to pursue postdoctoral work on neuromodulatory signaling onto cortical layer 1 interneurons.



October 2018

Dr. Takesian was awarded the Jacob Young Scholar Award. This award funds a collaborative project with Drs. Aristizabal, Dunn, Srikanth, and Saul to establish bi-directional, translational models of dysregulated plasticity across development.

September 2018

Jacob Mclennan joined the lab as an undergraduate student after choosing Dr. Takesian as his Neuroscience concentration advisor.

September 2018

Angela Zhu, a University of Miami medical student and HHMI research fellow in the Lee/Brown lab joined the Takesian Lab to collaborate on the cortical activation by auditory brainstem implants.

September 2018

Dongqin Cai, Ph.D. joined the lab as a joint postdoctoral fellow with the Polley Lab. She is our first electrophysiologist focusing on the neurobiology of hyperexcitable brain circuits from synapses to perception.

July 2018

Carolyn Sweeney, Ph.D. joined as our first postdoctoral fellow after completing her Ph.D. at University of Massachusetts Medical School!

June 2018

Ben Glickman joined as a research technician in June 2018 to help launch the Takesian lab.

March 2018

Vivek Kanumuri, M.D., a resident-physician working with Dan Lee and Chris Brown has joined the team on a collaborative project to understand plasticity in the auditory cortex following brainstem or cochlear implants.

March 2018

Dr. Takesian received an Early Career Award (R21) by the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) that will fund an exciting project on an unexpected long-range projection from auditory cortex.

February 2018

Ana Castro and Emma He joined the laboratory after giving a fantastic presentation at ARO in San Diego!


January 2018

The Takesian Lab officially opened! We are located on the 6th floor of the Connector Building at Massachusetts Eye and Ear.